D A T A / A S S E T M A N A G E M E N T
Global Facilities Maintenance works with our clients on the life cycle management of physical assets with a focus upon the delivery of a stated capability in which assets play a key role. Businesses must manage their physical assets in consideration with the business needs for that capability to ensure maximum return on investment. From the conception of the asset's need, through to its complete operating life, and continuing all the way until its disposal phase are all considerations in short, medium and long term planning and management of assets. This all defines the boundaries of asset management and differentiates it from other key management processes.
These benefits are being increasingly recognised by business and organisations alike. The realisation that asset management contributes directly and indirectly to a number of important factors means that a common asset management language for better communication within organisations and across industries is increasingly considered by top management to be more important than ever.
The benefits of asset management are numerous:
more predictable and sustainable cash flows;
more accurate life cycle predictions:
predicting and lowering potential maintenance costs:
the final outcome of the profit and loss;
the value of the assets on the balance sheet;
the ability to both support an expected share price and achieve market share.
Global is committed to advancing the asset management knowledge and capability of all its clients. The Global team makes asset management accessible to, and useable by any client. We have a forward-thinking technical team consisting of numerous personnel focussed on asset-intensive industries enabling value from effective asset management.
Contact Us today for more information on how Global and our systems can assist you to manage your assets.
Global can assist our clients in creating framework and context through which information about asset management can be developed and universally understood throughout their organisation.
We are happy to discuss how key asset management elements including demand management, systems engineering, configuration management, acquisition, operations and maintenance, continuous improvement, business management, and culture and leadership are all primary resources in constructing the asset management platform for your organisation.